Joint Projects Achieved

Donation to Sports Pavilion Construction

L to R : Velta Simmonds( HCQCAA. USA) , Anne St. John (GBQCCHARITY/ QCA) , Mary Symmonds (HCQCAA, USA), Dr. Browne, Principal of QC, Chiwale Gooding (HCQCAA, Toronto), Rudo Catlin(OHS)

HCQCAN makes its first donation since initiating its improvement campaign for the two schools in October 2021. The donation, made on August 23, 2022, was in the amount of the equivalent of $12,000 Barbados and it goes towards equipping the almost complete pavilion. Thanks is expressed to all who have donated so far, and we encourage alumni and friends to keep giving.

The QC Pavilion
The construction of the sports Pavilion at QC, a project of Give Back QC Charity (GBQCCHARITY), and the recent contribution by the HCQC Alumni Network (HCQCAN) to the final steps in making the Pavilion a reality, is embedded in the history of Queen’s College and its collaboration with Harrison College.

Background to Queen’s College and it’s collaboration with Harrison College

Queen’s College, established as a secondary school for girls in 1883, was previously located in Constitution Road, St. Michael, a stone’s throw from Harrison’s College,an all-boys secondary school founded in 1733.

Queen’s College students who majored in science at the “A” level took classes at Harrison College for many years. Queen’s College capacity to offer science at the A level was strengthened and the tradition of QC girls attending HC for Science at “A” level ended around 1980, coinciding with the advent of QC becoming co-Ed with its first intake of boys in first form. This was due to a 1976 Ministry of Education decision to make all secondary schools co-Ed.  The two schools have nevertheless maintained their long history of collaboration as the schools are reputed to be the top secondary schools in the island in terms of academic performance. A healthy tradition of competition exists between them.

Queen’s College relocation and the Pavilion
Queen’s College relocated from Constitution Road to its present site in Husbands, St. James, in 1990. The school is situated on 21 acres of land. Since 1990, the construction of a pavilion has been on the plan of the school and Ministry of Education, a plan never realized until now, although there were a few false starts. Ten years ago in 2012, three enterprising alumnae of Queen’s College, Anne Gittens, Anne St. John and Anne Simpson came together and formed a Trust under the patronage of Dame Billie Miller, an alumna herself and a former Minister of Education, for the purpose of building a state of the art sports pavilion at Queen’s College.

The Pavilion has been a priority project for Queen’s College for the past decade. The construction was cost shared by the Ministry of Education and the bulk of the funds were raised by the Trust, a great example of public/ private partnership.

The Herculean decade long task of fundraising for and overseeing of construction of the Barbados dollar 1.4 million structure, was led by Anne St. John on behalf of the Trust. The bringing of the pavilion to fruition is an outstanding case study in a combination of vision and perseverance, characterized by sustained action. The pavilion is intended to serve not only QC students but 4 elementary schools in the vicinity. It will also serve primary school sporting events organized by local organizations.

The Pavilion will not only contribute to Barbados’s effort to promote healthy living but to overall physical fitness.  Physical fitness is a very important element of education development and has several benefits beyond health and fitness. It also contributes to social and emotional development, leadership skills patience and perseverance, discipline, mental growth, boosting confidence and self-esteem, teamwork, and cooperation as well as efficient time management, all of which contribute to academic excellence.

Improvement Campaign of HCQC Alumni Network and pavilion completion contribution
It is not surprising that the Principal of Queen’s College included completion of the Pavilion as one of the priorities to be funded under the Improvement Campaign launched by the HCQC Alumni Network (HCQCAN) during its Grand Reunion held in October 2021. The Improvement Campaign which aims to raise Barbados $2million is intended to fund priority STEAM infrastructure projects at the two schools as follows:

Completion of the Sports Pavilion and the related perimeter fencing
Upgrading the science labs
Upgrading the Hall to enhance the Performing Arts program

Building a Robotics and a Food Science Lab on top of the existing Chemistry lab
Equipping the labs

The HCQC Alumni Network (HCQCAN)
The HCQC Alumni Network consists of 4 HC and QC Alumni Association Chapters in the USA, Canada, and Barbados, HCQCAA, USA and HCQCAA, Toronto, OHS (Old Harrisonian Society, Barbados) and QCA (Queen’s College, Barbados) and GBQC Charity (Give Back QC Charity) whose trustees are members of QCA. They came together at the initiative of HCQCAA, USA led by Mary Symmonds in her capacity as President of HCQCAA, USA in 2019 following a collaboration partnership she initiated between HCQCAA, USA and the Barbados Associations in 2018. Their aim was to create the first ever joint grand reunion of the alumni of the two schools, which was also intended to recognize outstanding alumni and serve as a fundraiser for both schools.
The Steering Committee of the Network comprises the 4 association chapters as well as the PTAs and Boards and is headed by HCQCAA, USA.

Given the legacy of collaboration between the two schools, the Network is intended to facilitate major initiatives such as fundraising, and undertake activities which lend themselves to joint work specifically:

  1. Support major infrastructure projects at the two schools
  2. Establishment and maintenance of a joint website that serves as a gateway to individual chapters and alumni
  3. Maintenance of joint communication through a virtual newsletter, The College Bell, aimed at generating membership for our chapters as a means of achieving the widest possible alumni participation
  4. joint alumni networking
  5. joint activities of the alumni associations.

    The Network is in the process of registering as a Charity in Barbados.

Donation of eLearning Devices to HC and QC

Challenges present opportunities. Covid-19 gave rise to the need to immediately close the digital inequality gap to ensure all students were enabled to continue learning as schools had to resort to online instruction.

The joint collaboration between the alumni bodies in Barbados, Canada, and the USA presented an opportunity for the network of associations to respond to the Government’s appeal for donations of elearning devices to close the digital divide enabling needy students to continue learning regardless of their socio-economic circumstances.

Our collective appeal to alumni locally and globally resulted in donation of 190 computers to the schools. Of these, some 50 were reserved for donation to newer secondary schools for use by needy students. We thank our alumni for their generous response.


While the Barbados government runs secondary schools, public and private partnerships have contributed to the sustainability of the schools and the advancement of students, and we have been a model for many of the island’s schools.

Notable examples of alumni and associations’ contributions:  


  • Armstrong Scholarship Fund   
  • Refurbishing, equipping, and construction of science laboratories
  • Donation of equipment for Technology center


  • Scholarship donations
  • Computer donations;
  • Sports pavilion construction

HCQCAA, USA Donates Computers

Rudo Catlin, President. OHS presenting the printer and 25 computers to the Harrison College Secretary Treasurer Ms. Margaret Downie.

Rudo Catlin, President OHS, handing over 25 computers to Dr David Browne , Principal, QC on behalf of HCQCAA, USA

HCQCAA, USA completed its 2019 computer drive in July of this year handing over 25 computers each and 1 printer each to Harrison College and Queens College which both had a goal of acquiring some 90 computers to expand their lab facilities.

This was achieved through a partnership with a not for profit called IT Tools Schools which receives corporate donations of computers and reconditions them in partnership with requesting organizations. The covid pandemic created a delay but not abandonment of our project. Thanks to the generous donations of alumni and friends of HCQCAA, USA we were able to fulfill on this commitment.

For HC this donation allows them to establish a third computer lab.
For QC it will allow establishment of a second computer lab as well as add computers to their library, expanding use of computers once schools return to full time operations.