Joint Fundraising


Four alumni associations came together in 2019 to plan a 2020 Grand Reunion (postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 epidemic ) to bring together alums of about 70 graduating classes and raise $2 million Barbados for an improvement fund (net of reunion overheads), which the associations will jointly manage for the following improvements:

Queen’s College:   

    • Upgrading the Science Lab
    • Upgrading the Hall to enhance the performing arts curriculum
    • Completing and equipping the Sports Pavilion and Completing fencing the school

Harrison College :

Building on top of the existing Chemistry lab:

    • A Robotics Lab
    • A Food Science Lab
    • Equipping both labs

Individual alumni associations, the schools, and PTAs collaborate around annual goals. This year, QCA celebrates its centennial. Our newsletters provide details on how you can contribute to their centennial goal.